
女留学生在加拿大被男友杀害15年 父母至今没拿到赔偿

2017-12-06 综合自51 加拿大之声















MP Jenny Kwan had the opportunity to meet with the family of Amanda Zhao, the young international student from China who was murdered by her ex-boyfriend, Ang Li, also a Chinese national.  The mother of Amanda Zhao, Baoying Yang has asked MP Kwan to assist them in their final step toward the complete closure of their long and arduous journey to seek justice for the murder of their only daughter. 


Baoying Yang advised that the convicted murderer, Ang Li, has served his reduced 7-year sentence and is now enjoying his freedom in Beijing.  At the time of sentencing, the Beijing Higher People’s Court also ruled that Ang Li should compensate the Zhao family for RMB 1,133,300 Yuan (CAD$219,760).  More than 3 years after the ruling, the family has sought to follow up on this but to date, they are not able to even find out who within the Chinese judicial system should they be contacting to follow up on the matter of compensation as their letters and inquiries went unanswered.  


The family has asked Kwan to help find the appropriate contact within the Chinese judiciary system so that they could have their court ruling regarding their victim’s compensation enforced.   Kwan requested the assistance of Ambassador McCallum during her visit in China and followed up with a formal written request upon her return to Vancouver; however, she just received the message that the Ambassador is unable to assist with this request through his office.


At this stage, for the family to have complete closure for their tragic loss, it is important that the matter of compensation is addressed.  Canada has worked hard to help the Zhao family have their day in court. The outpouring of support for the family to achieve justice was overwhelming and was demonstrated by the petition drive and ongoing interest of the case. The media also demonstrated their support with their continued extensive coverage of the case.  


Kwan is calling on the Government of Canada to assist with this technical but important request for information for the Zhao family, by inquiring with the appropriate Chinese authorities to obtain the name, department and contact information of the individual that the family should contact for this last step of their long and arduous journey to seek justice for the murder of their only daughter.


At this stage, for the family to have complete closure for their tragic loss, it is important that the matter of compensation is addressed.  Canada has worked hard to help the Zhao family have their day in court. The outpouring of support for the family to achieve justice was overwhelming and was demonstrated by the petition drive and ongoing interest of the case. The media also demonstrated their support with their continued extensive coverage of the case.   It is my most sincere hope that as the Prime Minister is set to visit China that he and his office could assist with this technical but important request for information for the family.


Historical Background:


By way of background, in October 2002, Amanda Zhao was reported as a missing person.  Eleven days later, her body was found stuffed in a suitcase near Stave Lake in British Columbia.  In December, the RCMP charged Ang Li's cousin Han Zhang with being an accessary to the murder of Amanda Zhao.  The charges were dismissed because the RCMP violated Zhang rights to due process.  Ang Li was charged with second-degree murder; however, he managed to return to China three days after the body was found and before charges were laid.  As both the victim and the accused are Chinese nationals, and because Canada and China do have have an extradition agreement, the unresolved case sat in limbo for years. As time passed, no information was provided to the family regarding the murder of their only daughter.  The father of victim is a farmer and the mother is a retired teacher.  They went into debt to send Amanda to Canada to study, hoping for a better future for both their daughter and themselves.  Little did they expect that their daughter would return home in a body bag.


In April 2008, Kwan along with her former colleague, MLA Mike Farnworth invited the Zhao family to Canada so that they could seek answers from Canadian authorities directly.   Arrangements were made for the family to meet face to face with the RCMP, the Public Safety, Foreign Affairs and Multiculturalism Ministers in Vancouver and a year after their visit, Canada and China reached an unprecedented agreement whereby China agreed to waive the death penalty and Canada accepted the Chinese authorities’ request to come to Canada to review the evidence of the case.  Han Zhang and Ang Li were arrested and later tried and convicted for the murder of Amanda Zhao.  This case has set a precedent whereby even without an extradition agreement, there can be justice for the family of the victim.


Translation of the Ruling of the Beijing Municipal High People’s Court in June 20, 2014:

1.       To maintain the second and third article of the criminal judgement of the First Instance of Civil Suit Collateral to Criminal Proceedings (No. 1627 [2010] of the Beijing No.1 Intermediate People's Court), that the defendant, Li Jiaming, should compensate the plaintiffs in the collateral civil proceeding, Zhao Zisheng and Yang Baoying, a death compensation, funeral and burial costs, support costs for dependents, transportation costs and other economic losses totalling RMB 1,133,300 Yuan. Other claims made by the plaintiff Zhao Zisheng and Yang Baoying are rejected.

2.       To revoke the first article of the criminal judgement of the First Instance of Civil Suit Collateral to Criminal Proceedings (No. 1627 [2010] of the Beijing No.1 Intermediate People's Court), that the defendant Li Jiaming committed the crime of intentional homicide, and should be sentenced to life imprisonment, and deprived of political rights for life.

3.       That Appellant LI Jiaming has committed negligence which led to the death of another person, and is sentenced to 7 years of imprisonment. (The sentence commences when it is imposed. For days spent in custody before sentencing, one day spent in custody is credited against one day of sentence, meaning the sentence begins July 29 2009, and concludes June 27, 2016.)
This is the final decision of the court.’





